Colleen Tully

Front End Developer


Sticky Notes app project

Sticky Notes App

ReactJS web app for users to search, create, edit, and delete digital sticky notes. Sticky Note App is interactive and functional.

Skills: ReactJS, JSX, Components

Tools: CodeSandbox, Props, State

View Sticky Notes App
Guess the Word game

Guess the Word

Interactive word game built with JavaScript. Player guesses one letter at a time to try and figure out a randomized word.

Skills: JavaScript, Manipulate the DOM

Tools: GitHub, Text Editors

Play Guess the Word
GitHub Repo Gallery

GitHub Repo Gallery

Interactive gallery showcasing my GitHub portfolio. Visitors can see details of and view my GitHub repos.

Skills: APIs, Manipulate the DOM

Tools: GitHub

Go to Repo Gallery
Random Image Generator picture

Random Image Generator

Click a button to generate and view randomized images from an API. Uses JavaScript for interactivity.

Skills: APIs, JavaScript

Tools: GitHub, Command Line

See Random Images
Random Image Generator picture

Unplugged Retreat

Developed responsive website about Unplugged Retreat using HTML and CSS. The 3-page site adapts to mobile, tablet, and desktop screens.

Skills: HTML, CSS, Flexbox, Media Queries

Tools: GitHub Pages, Chrome DevTools

View Responsive Site


Developer Skills


Responsive Web Development



Agile Practitioner/Scrum Master

Tech Tools

Chrome DevTools


GitHub Pages

Git & Command Line


Public Service

Public Budgeting & Finance

Quantitative Research

Strategic Planning

Policy Analysis

Memo Writing



Active Listener

Public Speaking

Cross-Functional Teamwork

Understanding User Needs & Goals


Photo of Colleen outside

Hi, I'm Colleen!

I'm a front end developer with a desire to create and build delightful products that empower and inspire people.

Coding always fascinated me. I thought a software engineering career path was out of reach until I used a rather clunky accounting program at a previous job. I wondered, “Who built this software? How can I become someone who develops and codes delightful products people enjoy using?” And thus the coding journey began.

I’m interested in public sector (or adjacent) software development roles. Government agencies offer community support, but need a technological boost to increase access and participation among residents. As a Certified Scrum Master (CSM) and Product Owner (CSPO), I also appreciate agile methodologies and want to build splendid software products within a scrum environment.

I’m also a local government nerd (Leslie Knope's character resonates with me), Premier League soccer fan, and runner.